In the midst of writing about something or another that can wait, or better yet, be forgotten about altogether instead of sinking into some new low, came news that film maker David Lynch had left this world.
Here was and is and will always be one of my heroes who introduced many of us creatives and wannabe young filmmakers to brilliant characters and soundtracks to dark and absorbing films like “Eraserhead”, “Blue Velvet” and the groundbreaking “Twin Peaks” television series.

Suddenly, I needed to fix myself a nice cuppa Java, just stare at it and remember this very ultra cool and inspiring gentleman who took the time to write a note to me some years ago about following my dreams, respecting loyalty and knowing when to make detours and life changes.

It was great advice and which I too often forget about.
I thought about his favourite Director of Photography Fred Elmes, who lensed “Eraserhead” and “Blue Velvet”.
Fred was the husband of my then wife Trina’s best friend, who took some amazingly simple yet detailed and beautiful Polaroids of our daughter Taryn during a family lunch in Hong Kong and when he was in the city to meet filmmaker Ang Lee.
It had been a very strange day yesterday.
I now know what it was leading up to- remembering the past, focusing on priorities and letting all that other stuff and fluff go straight through to the keeper.
