And then one day Creative was gone
He took his ball and went away
No one thought too much about that
After all, there was more money to be made
But the whole town was sinking fast
Answers had become hard to find
Many tried to bluff their way through
But they knew they’d run out of time
They thought about how Creative
Could always come up with answers
They might not have always been right
But he was always a surprising enhancer
Few refused to see any of that
They thought they knew it all
But everything they ever built
Would just wobble and topple and fall
Creative, well, he had a third eye
He saw through all the empty talk
He knew when words had turned to clutter
And when nothingness said it all
But Creative was now gone for good
He didn’t like everything going on
All those sheep making blah blah sounds
And ideas being buried and torn
Who knows where Creative went?
Maybe he went nowhere at all?
Maybe Creative lives in all of us
It’s just knowing whenever he calls

Copyright ©️ Hans Ebert
April 2022