Of course, prying the HKJC CEO away from his hallowed power base on the 16th floor of 1 Sports Road might not happen until 2089, but, thinking ahead and with plenty of help with suggestions from those close to the source- and the sauces- here are the early odds of who might take over the reins from the man known as E.B.
Robbie McRobbie: 3-1

The current and popular Chairman of the Hong Kong/China Rugby Union who leaves his post after this year’s Rugby Sevens and is keeping mum about his future career plans other than saying that he won’t be leaving Hong Kong.

Said to be besties with Hong Kong Chief Executive John KS Lee since their days with the police, Robbie McRobbie isn’t hanging around to start his own version of McDonald’s.
Sandra Chan: 146-1

The dark horse and incredible survivor at the HKJC despite not exactly being a favourite of the CEO. A wily contender to succeed her current big boss and who has always had the knack of hanging in there while those above her were moved sideways- most notably Richard Cheung and Billy Bob Nader.
Anthony Ingham: 12-1

Known to some as the talented Mr Ripley, and, apparently went to Secondary school KGV in Hong Kong, and handpicked for an executive role at the HKJC by the CEO himself after supposedly serving him a nice fruity bottle of red when working for a hotel in Hong Kong.
The Purtons: 5-1

Because they’re influencers and already pretty much run Hong Kong racing in their own Instagram ways.
Gabriel Leung: 4-1

Head of the HKJC Charities Trust and an E.B loyalist who is said to have proposed the rather nasty racing bubble and is the supposed brains behind the much ballyhooed Institute Of Philanthropy which is still to come up with anything.
Karis Teetan: 8-1

For diversity and good high cheekbones.
Kim Kardashian: No odds

Just to watch her twerk with Winfried at the Beer Garden and put some oomph back into the Beer Garden with its shocking’live’ music that’s making dogs throughout Hong Kong howl in fear.
Regina Ip: 5-1

Tough, combative, dedicated, no frills, takes no prisoners, moody and doubt she even likes horse racing. The perfect candidate for Change and to give the HKJC a much needed new ‘do.
The entire cast of Barbie: No odds yet.

Could be a brilliant home run by making the HKJC more pink AND giving Hong Kong the best attraction for international tourism.